China will have a new military base in the Solomon Islands

China will have a new military base in the Solomon Islands

China has signed a security agreement with the Solomon Islands. The Islands are now firmly within the Chinese sphere, because Biden refused to meet with Pacific Island leaders and offer them an alternative. In 2019, the government of the Solomon Islands rescinded its recognition of Taiwan, establishing relations with the PRC. The people of the Solomon Islands do not trust China and in 2021, when they felt their government had got too close to China, the people revolted. Rioters attacked the state house and burned Chinese businesses. Eventually, the government called in military support from Australia, to quell the uprising. I reported on this in 2015, stressing the importance of the Pacific Island Nations and Micronesia. Trump courted these nations, preventing them from being coopted by China. A year ago, I reported again, warning that if Biden did not continue the good work Trump had done, that the islands would fall to China. And now, it has happened.

#China #SolomonIslands #military #Defense #Pacific